How Long Does It Take To Learn Keyboard For Adults

How Long Does It Take To Learn Keyboard For Adults
How Long Does It Take To Learn Keyboard For Adults

A keyboard is a great instrument to learn for anyone seeking to step into the wide world of music. But as with any new instrument, starting to learn the keyboard can feel daunting. So, how long does it take for an adult to learn how to play the keyboard?

It takes about 12 weeks, or 4 months, of dedicated practice for adults to learn how to play the keyboard. However, every student is different. The younger a person starts and the more they practice, the less time it will take them to learn how to play the keyboard.

Read on to learn about the factors that affect how long it takes for an adult to learn how to play the keyboard.

Amount of Time It Takes to Learn to Play the Keyboard

It generally takes around 1 to 6 months for an adult to go from a beginner level to an intermediate or proficient level if they practice consistently. Experts advise adults to create a reasonable practice schedule and stick to it for weeks to months when learning how to play the keyboard. Exactly how long it takes for adults to learn how to play the keyboard depends heavily on how often they practice.

Practice playing the keyboard for a minimum of 10 to 30 minutes per day for 5 to 7 days per week for 1 to 6 months to build up the skills necessary to play the keyboard well and become proficient. If an adult wants to become a keyboard master quickly, it’s recommended that they practice for 1 to 2 hours per day for 1 to 2 months.

When I started to learn the keyboard I would practice every day for at least an hour or more. This really helped me to learn quickly how to play easy tunes. As I was able to play a piece it motivated me to continue learning more songs. I did have the advantage of knowing how to read music beforehand, however.

Platforms that Can Teach You How to Play the Keyboard

  • YouTube
  • Playground Sessions
  • Flowkey
  • Simply Piano
  • Pianote
  • Skoove
  • Pianoforall
  • ArtistWorks Piano with Christie Peery
  • Piano Marvel, Piano With Willie
  • School of Rock
  • Lesson Books
  • Online or In-Person Teachers

Levels of Mastery

As with any instrument, there are different levels of mastery that can be attained as one grows in their ability. It can take as little as a few months to be able to say you can “play” the keyboard, but how long does it take to master the instrument?

It takes around 1 month for adults to master the basics of the keyboard, around 2 to 3 months to reach an intermediate-beginner level, and around 3 to 4 months to become a beginner-proficient player. A beginner-proficient player can play a decently difficult song but doesn’t often perform.

It takes around 12 weeks to properly develop finger dexterity, coordination, and rhythm. These skills are foundational to your ability to play the keyboard, and without them, you won’t be able to properly play the instrument. Finger dexterity refers to your ability to move your fingers to press the right keys in the right combination, and coordination refers to your ability to strike keys accurately. For those who have already played an instrument before, some of these skills may come even sooner than 12 weeks.

If you want to truly master the keyboard, it will take anywhere from 3 to 5 years of consistent practice for you to reach an intermediate level. To play at a professional level, you will have to work at it for much longer. It takes around 10 to 15 years for the average adult to go from a true beginner to an accomplished musician if they play and practice the keyboard consistently and have the desire to improve their skills.

Factors that Affect How Long it Takes to Learn the Keyboard

How long does it take to learn the keyboard?

The tools that you use when learning how to play the keyboard can affect how long it takes for you to learn how to play the instrument. If you want to learn how to play the keyboard quickly, hire an online or in-person keyboard teacher. However, keep in mind that keyboard teachers are often harder to find than piano teachers, so you might have to rely on online platforms or videos.

When I was learning I hired a professional music teacher who would spend one hour a week with me helping me to work on my technique and skills. It also helps to have and set realistic goals that you can work towards. For example, doing Grades, such as through the Royal School of Music is a great incentive and motivation to stick with the lessons.

You might want to check out this article: What Is The Difference Between Stage Piano and Keyboard if you are looking at what particular instrument you will want to begin to learn with.

How long it will take for you to learn how to play the keyboard will also vary depending on your experience with playing instruments. If you have played the piano in the past, it will likely be extremely easy for you to learn how to play the keyboard, as they are very similar instruments. If you have played a different instrument, it will be easier for you to learn how to play the keyboard than if you have never played an instrument. This is because you will know a lot about rhythm and notes. I had learnt the brass trombone as a child which made it easier for me to read music for the keyboard.

How often you practice and how dedicated you are to practicing the keyboard will also affect how long it will take for you to learn how to play the keyboard. The more you practice, the faster you will learn how to play the keyboard. I found this to be so true when I began learning the Keyboard. The more time I spent practicing the faster I made progress.

How long you take to master the basics of the keyboard will also affect how long it will take for you to become proficient. If you take your time while learning the basics, your foundational skills will be quite solid. This will make it so you can become proficient quite quickly.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t learn how to play the keyboard quickly. Go at a pace that works for you. Talk to other keyboard players online or in person if you are struggling to master certain techniques, as they will be able to give you tips that may help you improve.

Overall, it takes adults 1 to 6 months to learn how to play the keyboard. However, exactly how long it takes for adults to learn how to play the keyboard varies depending on a variety of factors. If you want to learn how to play the keyboard in less than 6 months, purchase a keyboard that can help you learn how to play it. Many keyboards nowadays have features that can help you learn how to play the instrument quickly.

However, if it takes you longer than 6 months to learn how to play the keyboard, don’t be discouraged. Simply practice more often if possible.

Raquel Richardson

I am a guitar player and singer and my husband is a piano and keyboard player. I love to play and write music and have put together to provide helpful information on guitars and pianos. To find out more about me please visit my About Us page.

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